Companies that focus on and support local, are rural (or small), use alternative energy, are Internet enabled, and of course brew some really great beer. Four video interviews from Great Taste of the Midwest by Madison Homebrewers and Tasters Guild.
Brewing with the Sun, Barrel Aging, and Broadband Marketing in Rural Wisconsin
Central Waters is radiating the way as they generate heat for brewing and comfort using solar panels. They use solar panels for heat and support renewable energy at the MREA Energy Fair by contributing 3% of gross sales of Shine On Beer during the fair. A lot has changed over 13 years as they're doing more business and rely on keeping in touch over the Internet. So there's no excuse to miss my seasonal favorite.. the Bourbon Barrel Stout. – Interview with Paul Graham, Central Waters Brewing Company, Amherst (population 1,000), Wisconsin.
Community Brew, Charity Bike, and Tweeting a Bit from Lake Mills, Wisconsin
This Bitter Woman brewery believes in paying more to support local and contributes about $40K per year to local charities. They get the word out their website, newsletter, and using Facebook and twitter while the Bitter Woman IPA and Rocky's Revenge prove to be local and regional favorites. – Interview with Conrad Tufte, Tyranena Brewing Company, Lake Mills, Wisconsin
Brewing on the Farm with Wind and Wireless
Rural as you can get Dave's Brewing is literally on the farm yet he's able to market effectively using Website, Blogging, and Facebook over his wireless Internet. Dave's Brew Farm is powered by wind and word of mouth. – Interview with David Anderson, Dave's Brew Farm, Wilson, Wisconsin.
Black Night Versus Wild Brunette
Having a taste of Black Night and Wild Brunette with Barley John's at the Great Taste of the Midwest – Madison 2011 Produced by HEM Production in conjunction with ViodiTV