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Common Thread Craft Beer Collaboration in Cans

This is the 7th year for Wisconsin’s Common Thread Craft Beer Collaboration. Each year has brought a new style of beer, a new group or location to brew, and financial support to the Wisconsin Brewers Guild from the profits.

2017 marked a new point for Common Thread as the Baltic Porter was added to cans – to be released in 6 packs around the 12th of August. The beer was brewed at Ale Asylum this year – Joe Walts coordinated and provided a review for the brewing day and canning day in video’s below. Other video’s include highlights from Wisconsin Women Brewers, Things to know about Common Thread, and my 1st year filming with assistance from Scott Manning the brewmaster at Vintage Brewing.

Videos from past years:


The collaboration started in 2012 with the brewmasters from Vintage Brewing (Scott Manning), Capital Brewing (Kirby Nelson – now Wisconsin Brewing Company), and Rob LoBreglio (Great Dane Brewing Co). It grew from there to the greater Madison area to a statewide collaboration of brewers.

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